What Makes Us, Us?
What makes the “person” we think we are?
No one can really say or tell you how many different parts and aspects a person has, what we can do, is get a starting point, a frame of reference.
Love this section! Let’s start with some basics. Just keep in mind that every part and aspect is
“To a DEGREE”, very few parts or aspects are 100% of us all the time at one moment.
We have: (For reference purposes)
- an aspect of us that plays PEACEMAKER, an aspect that occasionally invites CONFLICT
- an aspect of us that is a PERFECTIONIST, an aspect that occasionally will be demanding, angry
- an aspect that wants to NURTURE, an aspect that will MANIPULATE
- an aspect that wants to ACHIEVE, an aspect that will be DECEITFUL
- an aspect that wants INDIVIDUALITY, an aspect that will be ENVIOUS
- an aspect of us that THINKS & OBSERVES, an
- aspect of us that is STINGY
- an aspect of us that is LOYALIST, an aspect that is SKEPTICAL, FEARFUL
- an aspect that just wants to have FUN and be ADVENTUROUS, an aspect that becomes OVER-INDULGENT
- an aspect of us that CHALLENGES things – people – situations, an aspect of us that is ARROGANT
We also have different parts within ourselves, those include:
- Memory barriers
- Mindset barriers
- Self-imposed limitations
- Negative beliefs
- Broken agreements
- Unfinished communications
- Unaligned intentions
- Internal conflicts
- Judgments
- Resentments
- Entire belief systems
- Storylines
- Routines
- A protector-controller
- Disorganized parts
- Associative & Dissociative
We have internal dialogue (self-sabotaging statements) that says:
- I am not enough
- I am not worthy
- I am not capable
- I am not perfect
- I am insignificant
- I do not belong
We also have:
- Assumptions
- Limiting beliefs
- Trust issues
- Wounded parts
- Habitual habits
- Values
- Blame, shame, fear, anxiety, stress, happy, sad, this list goes on and on.
Put all that in ONE person, there is your personality. There is more to consider, for now, this is plenty to digest.
This is also we start to develop our IDENTITY. Other things that make up our identity can be where we live, who we associate with, what we drive, the clothes we wear, what we do, sports we play, and other objects.
Until the next time. My warmest wishes